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Version: 0.13.1

Device Management API

The agent and the operation plugins enable device management on thin-edge, giving the cloud operators a uniform interface to install software packages, update configuration files, inspect log files, restart devices ...

Each of these device management operation requires a different set of interactions between the participants, with specific steps, message payloads and expectations.

Hence, each operation type comes with its own API, and, possibly, with different implementations: the tedge-agent service and operation plugins such as the tedge-log-plugin or user-specific plugins.

However, despite their diversity, all these APIs are designed along the same lines with normalized ways to

  • associate MQTT topics with devices and commands
  • tell which types of command is supported by a device
  • create new command requests of a specific type for some target device
  • monitor the progression of a specific command request upto completion.


Following thin-edge MQTT topic conventions, each device is assigned a specific topic prefix, with a metadata sub-topic per command type and specific sub-topics for the requests.

Command metadata topics​

The command metadata topics are used to declare which commands are available for a device, and, if so, to which extent.

Where the groups are described as follows:

rootThe topic root prefix for this installation of thin-edge.
targetThe topic identifier of the target device, possibly a custom identifier.
cmdThe command channel grouping all of the commands for this target.
command_typeThe type name of the operation.

A service that implements an operation for a device publishes on start a message notifying on the MQTT Bus that this device can be sent commands of this type.

These messages are published with the retained flag set. So, a client process, such a mapper, can discover on start what are all the capabilities of all the devices:

tedge mqtt sub 'te/+/+/+/+/cmd/+'

Command status topics​

The actual command requests are published on the command status topics. For each request, a specific command topic is created to monitor the progress of the command from its initial state to its completion. These topics are named using a unique command identifier forged by the requester.

command_idThe identifier of the operation instance.

The command_id is an arbitrary string however it should be unique. It is recommended to either use a unique id generator, or add a unix timestamp as a suffix, e.g. date +%s

The messages published on these topics represent each the current status of a running command. So, one can list all the in-progress commands of any type across all the devices:

tedge mqtt sub 'te/+/+/+/+/cmd/+/+'

Message payloads​

The message payloads are all specific to each operation type. However, there are some common rules:

  • JSON is used for all messages.
    • The schemas are flexible.
    • Extra fragments can be added by participants and ignored by others if not relevant.
  • Device capabilities are published as retained messages.
    • If a capability has no specific metadata, then the capability is published as an empty JSON object {}.
    • A capability is removed by publishing a retained empty string "".
  • Command status messages are published as retained messages on their dedicated topic.
    • These messages represent the current state of the command.
    • Initialized with all the required information to execute the command, they are updated during the command execution with outcome data.
    • A command request is cleared by publishing a retained empty string "".
  • The command status messages contain a mandatory "status" field.
    • This status tells at which step the command execution is along its workflow.
    • A new command is created with a "status" set to "init".
    • When execution starts, the "status" is set to "executing".
    • When execution is successful, the "status" is set to "successful".
    • If execution fails for some reason, the "status" is set to "failed" and the reason given as "reason" field.
    • Each operation might define other specific "status" values for extra steps, actions or checks.

Health checks is a notable exception to the rule "command status are published as retained messages". A health check is sent to the channel cmd/health/check of a service (or a device) as a non-retained request {}, triggering a health message response published on the status/health channel of the same service (or respectively the channels of all the service running on that device).

Operation workflow​

A specific workflow rules each operation type, with specific:

  • states
  • message payloads
  • states transitions.

However, there are some common rules:

  • There at least four states: "init", "executing", "successful" and "failed".
  • A new command has to be created in the "init" state.
  • Some checks can be done before the "executing" state, but this one should be the first triggering updates on the system.
  • There only two terminal states: "successful" and "failed".
  • The retained messages are finally cleared by the requester.

Capability declaration​

On start, a service that implements an operation for a device must:

  • know the MQTT root prefix (per default: te),
  • know the entity topic identifier of the target device (e.g. device/child001//),
  • know the well-known name of the operation (e.g. software_update),
  • forge a capability message describing the operation support (e.g. { "types": ["apt", "docker"] })
  • publish this capability message, with a retained flag, on the target command metadata topic (e.g. te/device/child001///cmd/software_update)

Command execution​

To request the execution of a command, a client must:

  • know the MQTT root prefix (per default: te),
  • know the entity topic identifier of the target device (e.g. device/child001//),
  • know the well-known name of the operation (e.g. software_update),
  • assign a unique id to its command (say c8y-1234)
  • use these target and command identifiers to forge the topic name for its request (e.g. te/device/child001///cmd/software_update/c8y-1234)
  • describe the request in a JSON message as defined by the operation API
  • publish, as a retained message, the request on its specific topic with a "status" set to "init"
  • await on the same topic for a response message with a "status" set to "executing", "successful" or "failed"
  • ignore any message with an unknown status as the agent is free to use intermediate states
  • finally, clear the command topic by sending an empty retained message

To implement an operation on behalf of a device, a service must:

  • know the MQTT root prefix (per default: te),
  • know the entity topic identifier of the target device (e.g. device/child001//),
  • know the well-known name of the operation (e.g. software_update),
  • subscribe to any command requests of this type and the target device (i.e. te/device/child001///cmd/software_update/+)
  • react to a well-formed requests by publishing the updated status when the step is done.


As an example, let's take software updates on a child device.

When launched on the child device device/child001//, tedge-agent notifies that software packages of types: apt and docker can be updated on this device:

tedge mqtt pub -r 'te/device/child001///cmd/software_update' '{
"description": "Install, update and remove software packages",
"types": [

On reception of this message, the Cumulocity mapper notifies Cumulocity of this capability. On request from a cloud operator, the Cumulocity mapper creates a new command instance, say to update nodered:

tedge mqtt pub -r 'te/device/child001///cmd/software_update/c8y-123' '{
"status": "init",
"updateList": [
"type": "debian",
"modules": [
"name": "nodered",
"version": "1.0.0",
"action": "install"

The agent, running on device/child001//, notifies that it will execute the command:

tedge mqtt pub -r 'te/device/child001///cmd/software_update/c8y-123' '{
"status": "executing",
"updateList": [
"type": "debian",
"modules": [
"name": "nodered",
"version": "1.0.0",
"action": "install"

Then the agent proceeds, here installing a specific version of nodered, and notifies the mapper when done:

tedge mqtt pub -r 'te/device/child001///cmd/software_update/c8y-123' '{
"status": "successful",
"updateList": [
"type": "debian",
"modules": [
"name": "nodered",
"version": "1.0.0",
"action": "install"

The Cumulocity mapper, having subscribed to all software_update commands, monitors this command instance and notifies Cumulocity of its progress upto completion.
Finally, the Cumulocity mapper clear the command topic:

tedge mqtt pub -r 'te/device/child001///cmd/software_update/c8y-123' ''