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Version: 1.4.2

Testing Cloud Connection provides a way to test the connection from your device to a cloud provider. You can call this connection check function by

sudo tedge connect <cloud> --test

It returns exit code 0 if the connection check is successful, otherwise, 1.

This test is already performed as part of the tedge connect <cloud> command.

What does the test do?​

The connection test sends a message to the cloud and waits for a response. The subsequent sections explain the cloud-specific behaviour.

For Cumulocity​

The test publishes a SmartREST 2.0 static template message for device creation 100 to the topic c8y/s/us. If the device-twin is already created in your Cumulocity, the device is supposed to receive 41,100,Device already existing on the error topic c8y/s/e.

So, the test subscribes to c8y/s/e topic and if it receives the expected message on the topic, the test is marked successful.

The connection test sends maximum two of SmartREST2.0 100 requests. This is because the first 100 request can be considered a successful device creation request if the device-twin does not exist in Cumulocity yet.

For Azure IoT Hub​

The test subscribes to the topic az/twin/res/. Then, it publishes an empty string to the topic az/twin/GET/?$rid=1.

If the connection check receives a message containing 200 (status success), the test is marked successful.

The connection test sends the empty string only once.

For AWS IoT​

The test subscribes to the topic aws/connection-success. It publishes an empty string to the topic aws/test-connection.

If the connection check receives an empty message on the aws/connection-success topic, then the test is marked successful.