The tedge command
Command line interface to interact with
Usage: tedge [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
init Initialize Thin Edge
cert Create and manage device certificate
config Configure Thin Edge
connect Connect to cloud provider
disconnect Remove bridge connection for a provider
reconnect Reconnect command, calls disconnect followed by connect
refresh-bridges Refresh all currently active mosquitto bridges
upload Upload files to the cloud
mqtt Publish a message on a topic and subscribe a topic
run Run thin-edge services and plugins
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--config-dir <CONFIG_DIR>
[env: TEDGE_CONFIG_DIR, default: /etc/tedge]
Turn-on the DEBUG log level.
If off only reports ERROR, WARN, and INFO, if on also reports DEBUG
--log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Configures the logging level.
One of error/warn/info/debug/trace.
Logs with verbosity lower or equal to the selected level will be printed,
i.e. warn prints ERROR and WARN logs and trace prints logs of all levels.
Overrides `--debug`
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version