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Version: 1.4.2

Raising Alarms

Alarms on can be used to create alerts, represent state changes etc. For example, an alarm can be raised when a certain measurement value breaches some threshold (like high temperature) or when an unexpected event occurs in the system (like a sensor failure).

A typical alarm cycle starts by the raising of an alarm by some monitoring process which alerts a system/human of an event needing some action. Once some action is taken, the alarm is cleared explicitly by that system/human.

Every alarm is uniquely identified by its type and severity. That is, for a given alarm type, alarms of varying severities are treated as independent alarms and hence, must be acted upon separately. For an alarm of a given type and severity, only the last known state is considered relevant. doesn't keep a history of all its state changes but only reacts to the last one it receives.

Raising an alarm​

An alarm can be raised on by sending an MQTT message in JSON format to certain MQTT topics.

The scheme of the topic to publish the alarm data is as follows:


The payload format must be as follows:

"text": "<alarm text>",
"severity": "major",
"time": "<Timestamp in ISO-8601 format>"

These messages must be sent with MQTT retained flag enabled and with QOS > 1 to ensure guaranteed processing by Enabling the retained flag ensures that the alarm stays persisted with the MQTT broker until its state changes again. These retained messages will make sure that the processes or any other third-party processes subscribed to these alarms will get those, even if they were down at the moment the alarm was raised. If multiple messages are sent to the same alarm topic, the last alarm is considered to have overwritten the previous one.

Here is a sample alarm raised for temperature_high alarm type with critical severity:

tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///a/temperature_high' '{
"text": "Temperature is very high",
"severity": "critical"

Both the text field and the time field are optional. When a text is not provided, it is assumed to be empty. When time is not provided, will use the current system time as the time of the alarm. When you want to skip both fields, use an empty json fragment {} as the payload to indicate the same. An empty message can't be used for the same, as empty messages are used to clear alarms, which is discussed in the next section.

The <severity> value in the MQTT payload is recommended to be one of the following values:

  1. critical
  2. major
  3. minor
  4. warning

There are no such restrictions on the <alarm-type> value. doesn't keep any history of all alarms raised on an alarm topic.

Clearing alarms​

An already raised alarm can be cleared by sending an empty message with retained flag enabled to the same alarm topic on which the original alarm was raised.

For example temperature_high will be cleared by publishing an empty payload message as below:

tedge mqtt pub -r -q 2 'te/device/main///a/temperature_high' ''

Using the retained (-r) flag is a must while clearing the alarm as well, without which the alarm won't be cleared properly.

If alarms of different severities exist for a given alarm type, they must all be cleared separately as they're all treated as independent alarms.

Raising alarms from child devices​

Alarms for child devices can be raised by publishing the alarm payload to te/device/<child-device-id>///a/<alarm-type> topic, where the child-device-id is the unique device id of the child device. The alarm payload structure is the same, as described in the previous section.

Raising an alarm with custom fragment​ supports the creation of alarms using custom (user-defined) fragments. Custom fragments are supported for both the main and child devices. The custom fragments can be a simple json value or a complex json value.

For example, an alarm with simple custom fragment field named details:

"text": "Temperature is very high",
"time": "2021-01-01T05:30:45+00:00",
"details": "A custom alarm info"

For example, an alarm with complex custom fragments

"text": "Temperature is very high",
"time": "2021-01-01T05:30:45+00:00",
"someOtherCustomFragment": {
"nested": {
"value": "extra info"

Other than text and time fields, all the other fields are considered as custom fragments.

Raising an alarm with empty json payload​

Alarms can also be raised with an empty json object as payload as follows:

Payload (empty json object)

The default value for the time fragment will be the timestamp in utc time that is added by the tedge-mapper-c8y while alarm message being translated to cumulocity format. The default value for the text fragment will be derived from the alarm-type of the topic.

Cloud data mapping​

If the device is connected to some supported IoT cloud platform, any alarms raised locally on will be forwarded to the connected cloud platform as well. The mapping of alarms data to its respective cloud-native representation will be done by the corresponding cloud mapper process. For example, if the device is connected to Cumulocity cloud platform, the Cumulocity cloud mapper process will translate the alarm JSON data to its equivalent Cumulocity SmartREST representation.


As of now, alarm data mapping is supported only on Cumulocity cloud platform.

Cumulocity cloud data mapping​

The Cumulocity mapper will convert JSON alarm into Cumulocity SmartREST messages and send it to Cumulocity via MQTT.

For example the temperature_high alarm with critical severity described in the earlier sections will be converted to the following Cumulocity SmartREST message:

301,temperature_high,"Temperature is very high",2021-01-01T05:30:45+00:00

The message is published to the c8y/s/us topic which will get forwarded to the connected Cumulocity cloud instance.

If the alarm is raised from a child device, the payload is published to c8y/s/us/<child-device-id> topic instead.

If an alarm contains a custom fragment then, the alarm message will be converted to cumulocity json format and then will be published on to c8y/alarm/alarms/create topic.

An example of the translated custom message for a device will be as below

"severity": "MAJOR",
"type": "temperature_high",
"time": "2023-01-25T18:41:14.776170774Z",
"text": "Temperature High",
"someOtherCustomFragment": {
"nested": {
"value": "extra info"

An example of the translated cumulocity alarm message for a child device with a custom fragment will be as below:

"severity": "MAJOR",
"type": "pressure_alarm",
"time": "2023-01-25T18:41:14.776170774Z",
"text": "Pressure alarm",
"someOtherCustomFragment": {
"nested": {
"value": "extra info"
"externalSource": {
"externalId": "child_device_id",
"type": "c8y_Serial"

Find more information about SmartREST representations for alarms in Cumulocity here.

Find more information about alarms data model in Cumulocity here.