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Version: 1.4.2

Thin Edge JSON JSON is a lightweight format used in to represent telemetry data: measurements, events and alarms as well as operations: software update, configuration update etc. These data are exchanged over the MQTT bus by the devices and services.

Sending Telemetry Data​

The framework exposes some MQTT endpoints that can be used by local processes and other devices connected over the network to exchange data between themselves as well as to get some data forwarded to the cloud.

Sending Telemetry Data to​

All topics with the prefix te/ are reserved by for this purpose. To send measurements to, the measurements represented in JSON format can be published to the te/+/+/+/+/m/+ topic. Other processes running on the device can subscribe to this topic to process these measurements.

If the messages published to any of the telemetry topics are not well-formed JSON, then these messages won’t be processed by, not even partially, and an appropriate error message on why the validation failed will be published to a dedicated te/errors topic. The messages published to this topic will be highly verbose error messages and can be used for any debugging during development. You should not rely on the structure of these error messages to automate any actions as they are purely textual data and bound to change from time-to-time.

Here is the complete list of topics reserved by for its internal working:

te/Reserved root topic of
te/errorsError messages emitted by while processing measurements

Sending Telemetry Data to the cloud​

The framework allows users forward telemetry data generated and published to one of the te/# MQTT topics from the device to any IoT cloud provider that it is connected to, with the help of a mapper component designed for that cloud. The responsibility of a mapper is to subscribe to the te/# topic to receive all incoming data represented in the cloud vendor neutral JSON format, to a format that the connected cloud understands. Refer to Cloud Message Mapper Architecture for more details on the mapper component.


Measurements carry values from physical sensors, the domain application or monitored processes. For instance:

  • voltage and current of an electricity meter
  • state of the manufacturing control process
  • free disk space on the device JSON can be used to represent single-valued measurements, multi-valued measurements or a combination of both along with some auxiliary data like the timestamp at which the measurement(s) was generated.

Single-valued measurements​

Simple single-valued measurements like temperature or pressure can be expressed as follows:

tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///m/environment' '{
"temperature": 25

The key represents the measurement type, and the value represents the measurement value. The keys can only have alphanumeric characters, and the underscore (_) character but must not start with an underscore. The values can only be numeric. String, Boolean or other JSON object values are not allowed.

Multi-valued measurements​

Like the name suggests, a multi-valued measurement is allowed to contain more than one value. Here is the representation of a three_phase_current measurement that consists of L1, L2 and L3 values, representing the current on each phase:

tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///m/electrical' '{
"three_phase_current": {
"L1": 9.5,
"L2": 10.3,
"L3": 8.8

The key is the top-level measurement type and value is a JSON object having further key-value pairs representing each aspect of the multi-valued measurement. Only one level of nesting is allowed, meaning the values of the measurement keys at the inner level can only be numeric values.

❌ Example: Invalid measurement due to nesting > 2 levels

tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///m/example' '{
"three_phase_current": {
"phase1": {
"L1": 9.5
"phase2": {
"L2": 10.3
"phase3": {
"L3": 8.8

Grouping measurements​

Multiple single-valued and multi-valued measurements can be grouped into a single JSON message as follows:

tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///m/example' '{
"temperature": 25,
"three_phase_current": {
"L1": 9.5,
"L2": 10.3,
"L3": 8.8
"pressure": 98

The grouping of measurements is usually done to represent measurements collected at the same instant of time.

Auxiliary measurement data​

When receives a measurement, it will add a timestamp to it before any further processing. If the user doesn't want to rely on generated timestamps, an explicit timestamp can be provided in the measurement message itself by adding the time value as a string in ISO 8601 format using time as the key name, as follows:

tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///m/example' '{
"time": "2020-10-15T05:30:47+00:00",
"temperature": 25,
"location": {
"latitude": 32.54,
"longitude": -117.67,
"altitude": 98.6
"pressure": 98

The time key is a reserved keyword and hence can not be used as a measurement key. The time field must be defined at the root level of the measurement JSON and not allowed at any other level, like inside the object value of a multi-valued measurement. Non-numeric values like the ISO 8601 timestamp string are allowed only for such reserved keys and not for regular measurements.

Here is the complete list of reserved keys that has special meanings inside the framework and hence must not be used as measurement keys:

timeTimestamp in ISO 8601 string format


Events are notifications that something happened on the device, its environment, the domain application or the software system. For instance:

  • a door has been closed
  • a process started
  • a user has started an ssh session
tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///e/login' '{
"text": "A user just logged in",
"time": "2021-01-01T05:30:45+00:00",
"someOtherCustomFragment": {
"nested": {
"value": "extra info"
event_typeUniquely identifies the event in the context of the device; part of the MQTT topic
textText description of the event; must be UTF-8 encoded
timeOptional timestamp that indicates when the event occurred, in ISO 8601 string format; when not provided, uses the current system time
*Additional fields are handled as custom specific information; if the connected cloud supports custom fragments its mapper transfers those accordingly to the cloud


Alarms are notifications about some critical behaviour of the device's environment or software system. For instance:

  • a temperature going out of its valid range
  • a process that crashed
  • free disk space going critically low
tedge mqtt pub 'te/device/main///a/temperature_high' '{
"text": "Temperature is very high",
"severity": "warning",
"time": "2021-01-01T05:30:45+00:00",
"someOtherCustomFragment": {
"nested": {
"value": "extra info"
alarm_typeUniquely identifies the alarm in the context of the device; part of the MQTT topic
severitySeverity of the alarm; recommended to be critical, major, minor or warning
textText description of the alarm; must be UTF-8 encoded
timestampOptional time that indicates when the alarm has occurred, in ISO 8601 string format; when not provided, uses the current system time
*Additional fields are handled as custom specific information; if the connected cloud supports custom fragments its mapper transfers those accordingly to the cloud