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Version: 0.12.0

Log file management from Cumulocity

Thin-edge provides an operation plugin to fetch log files from the device on to Cumulocity.

  • Log file management from Cumulocity is provided with a c8y-log-plugin which runs as a daemon on thin-edge.
  • The device owner can define the list of log files that can be retrieved from Cumulocity, in the plugin's configuration file named c8y-log-plugin.toml.
  • Each entry in the the c8y-log-plugin.toml file contains a log type and a path pattern, where the type is used to represent the logical group of log files matching the path pattern.
  • On receipt of a log file request for a given type, the log files for that type are retrieved using the path pattern defined in this c8y-log-plugin.toml, matched against the requested time range, search text and maximum line count.
  • The list of managed log files in c8y-log-plugin.toml can be updated both locally as well as from Cumulocity cloud, using the configuration management feature of Cumulocity, combined with the c8y-configuration-plugin of thin-edge.


As part of this plugin installation:

  • On systemd enabled devices, the service definition file for this c8y-log-plugin daemon is also installed as part of this plugin installation.

Once installed, the c8y-log-plugin is run as a daemon on the device listening to log requests from Cumulocity on c8y/s/us MQTT topic. On startup, the plugin declares to the Cumulocity mapper that it supports c8y_LogfileRequest operation by creating an empty file at /etc/tedge/operations/c8y/c8y_LogfileRequest. It also reports all the log file types that it manages, defined in the c8y-log-plugin.toml


The c8y-log-plugin configuration is stored by default under /etc/tedge/c8y/c8y-log-plugin.toml.

This TOML file defines the list of log files that can be retrieved from the cloud tenant. The paths to these files can be represented using glob patterns. The type given to these paths are used as the log type when they are reported to Cumulocity.

file: /etc/tedge/c8y/c8y-log-plugin.toml
files = [
{ type = "mosquitto", path = '/var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log' },
{ type = "software-management", path = '/var/log/tedge/agent/software-*' },
{ type = "c8y_CustomOperation", path = '/var/log/tedge/agent/c8y_CustomOperation/*' }

The c8y-log-plugin parses this configuration file on startup for all the type values specified, and sends the supported log types message(SmartREST 118) to Cumulocity on c8y/s/us topic as follows:


The plugin continuously watches this configuration file for any changes and resends the 118 message with the types in this file, whenever it is updated.


If the file /etc/tedge/c8y/c8y-log-plugin.toml is ill-formed or cannot be read, then an empty 118 message is sent, indicating no log files are tracked.

Handling log requests from Cumulocity​

This plugin subscribes to c8y/s/ds topic, listening for c8y_LogfileRequest messages (SmartREST 522) from Cumulocity, like this one:


The plugin then checks the c8y-log-plugin.toml file for the log type in the incoming message (mosquitto), retrieves the log files using the target glob pattern provided in the plugin config file, including only the ones modified within the date range(2013-06-22T17:03:14.000+02:00 to 2013-06-22T18:03:14.000+02:00), with the content filtered by the search text(ERROR) and the maximum line count(1000). This filtered content is then uploaded to Cumulocity as an event with the log type as the event type.

During this process, Cumulocity is notified of the progress of the c8y_LogfileRequest operation with SmartREST messages 501(executing), 502(failed) or 503(successful) on c8y/s/us topic.

Updating supported log files from Cumulocity​

The supported log files list defined in the c8y-log-plugin.toml can be updated both locally as well as from Cumulocity cloud. Updates from Cumulocity can be achieved simply by listing this log plugin's config file(c8y-log-plugin.toml) in the configuration file of the c8y-configuration-plugin. This will enable the c8y-log-plugin.toml to be tracked and managed by the c8y-configuration-plugin.


c8y-log-plugin --help
Thin-edge device log file retriever for Cumulocity

c8y-log-plugin [OPTIONS]

--config-dir <CONFIG_DIR>
[default: /etc/tedge]

Turn-on the debug log level.

If off only reports ERROR, WARN, and INFO If on also reports DEBUG and TRACE

-h, --help
Print help information

-i, --init
Create supported operation files

-V, --version
Print version information

On start, `c8y-log-plugin` notifies the cloud tenant of the log types listed in the `CONFIG_FILE`,
sending this list with a `118` on `c8y/s/us`.
`c8y-log-plugin` subscribes then to `c8y/s/ds` listening for logfile operation requests (`522`)
notifying the Cumulocity tenant of their progress (messages `501`, `502` and `503`).

The thin-edge `CONFIG_DIR` is used to store:
* c8y-log-plugin.toml - the configuration file that specifies which logs to be retrieved


The c8y-log-plugin reports progress and errors to the OS journal which can be retrieved using journalctl.

Future enhancements​

To support retrieval of logs that are not available as physical files on the file system, but can retrieved using other tools like journalctl, docker logs etc, the log entries in c8y-log-plugin.toml can be enhanced to support retrieval of logs using any command execution.

Here is how the config for such logs retrieved using commands would look like:

file: /etc/tedge/c8y/c8y-log-plugin.toml
files = [
{ type = "mosquitto", path = '/var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log' },
{ type = "tedge-agent", command = '/usr/bin/journalctl --unit=tedge-agent --since=$FROM --until=$TO | grep $FILTER_TEXT' },
{ type = "<container id>", command = '/docker/log/script --target=$TARGET --from=$FROM --to=$TO --filter-text=$TEXT --line-count=$COUNT' }

The placeholders like $TYPE, $FROM, $TO etc in the command will be replaced with corresponding values in the SmartREST message. If the logs can't be retrieved with a direct native command, scripts that takes the same inputs can also be written.